Ewing Family


After our successful first Scottish meeting in 2016, and our appearance at the Edinburgh Tattoo in 2017, it looks to be a quieter year on this side of the pond in 2018. The main Ewing event will undoubtedly be the Ewing Family Association’s 15th Biennial Gathering in Nashville, Tennessee (August 17-19, 2018).

For our next UK event, we are looking forward to 2019, when Clan Ewing will have a presence at the Cowal Highland Gathering (29-31 August, 2019) which is being organised with the assistance of the EFA and is partially supported by the Scottish Clan Event Fund.

The Cowal Gathering is a significant Highland Games, visited by 23,000 people each year, and, as it’s held in Dunoon, it’s also the closest Games to our ancestral homeland on the banks of Loch Fyne. So a visit to at least one of the clan castles should be on the schedule (but if talk of clan castles is new to you, think grassy mound rather than sturdy stone barbicans with picturesque battlements). As some of you may be aware, we had hoped that meeting this would be the venue for a legal Family Convention to appoint a new chief, but the word from Lyon Court is that, in clans where the chiefship has been long dormant and the chiefly line is lost, Lord Lyon would prefer to see new commanders serve for a minimum of ten years before any move to appoint a chief. That said, we expect it to be a terrific event, and I look forward to seeing many of you there!

Finally, a word about the tartan. My apologies for the hiatus in supply which meant that there was no tartan instock in the run-up to Christmas last year. To my surprise, Lochcarron inform me that they are unable to monitorstock levels, so I’ll have to try to keep a closer eye on this myself. The good news is, there is now tartan in stock again. I think I’ve managed to re-contact everyone who sent an enquiry last year—if I’ve missed you, please do get back in touch. As well as the regular items listed on the website, we also have several scarves (measuring 9” x 54”) which are available for £20 each plus p&p. Like our other garments these are in worsted tartan, not in a soft and fluffy cloth.

Best wishes to all for 2018,
John Thor Ewing