Ewing Family


In accordance with the 2014 Ewing Family Association Bylaw revisions, a Membership Meeting will be held annually.  This year’s meeting will be held in Fort Wayne, IN, and via Skype on August 22, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern).  Participants must be Ewing Family Association members in good standing. A quorum of at least 20 people is required to conduct this meeting. 

The Agenda will include Treasurer’s report, Committee reports and Old/New Business.  No elections will be held this year.

If you would like to participate via Skype, please contact Robert Avery at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Call Beth Toscos at 260-432-4538 for information on attending by phone (audio-only). In order to reserve a spot for you, we need your information by August 10, 2015.  (Please include your Skype name.)

Between August 12 and August 20, an EFA Skype group will be established by Robert Avery (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Members are encouraged to establish video contacts with Robert Avery as soon as possible by arranging a set time with Bob by e-mail.  After an initial individual test, we will run a group test at some time to be established before the EFA Membership meeting.