Ewing Family


Selections from the August Newsletter.  Get the full Newsletter here (pdf).

Chancellor’s Message

beth toscos 2018The busy summer of 2018 is upon us and Ewing family members from around the globe are contacting one another and initiating queries about their personal family lines. In addition to our Journal Information Exchange, the Ewing Family Association website, the Discussion Group page and the continually growing Clan Ewing Facebook group  and the EFA Facebook page offer a tremendous opportunity for information sharing. It is rewarding to see so many younger Ewings showing interest in their family genealogies. Previous research done by so many of us can help subsequent generations get a better understanding of their emigrant ancestors, when they left the UK, Scotland or Ireland, and what experiences have made them into world citizens today. Although much is now known, many questions remain, and the research continues!

By the time you receive this Newsletter, the first of our 2018 Heritage events will be over. Remaining events are:

Ewing Family Gathering, August 17-19
Millennium Maxwell House Hotel, Nashville, TN,

153rd Scottish Highland Gathering & Games, Sept. 1-2
Alameda Co. Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, CA
Tent Captain, Larry Ewing

Information on both events can be accessed at www.ewingfamilyassociation.org. Stay tuned for more upcoming events.

All family researchers and genealogists have favorite ways of learning about the past. One of mine is reading about the history surrounding the Ewing family in places where they have lived. This includes historical fiction, when it has been well researched. I am currently reading “The Chronicles of Iona: Exile” by Paula de Fougerolles (Careswell Press, 2012). Ms. de Fougerolles has created a gripping story of the early Dal Riata Scots (c. 563 A.D.) who migrated from Ireland to the west of Scotland and assisted St. Columba in settling on the Isle of Iona. The author creates a wonderful tale based on the limited historical facts available and gives us a flavor of what it must have been like to live at that time in early Scots history. Ms. de Fougerolles holds a doctorate from the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge. This book is followed by three more in the Chronicle, all surrounding Columba and the Dal Riata Scots.

Hoping to see you at an EFA event!

Beth Ewing Toscos

A Word from the Commander

thor ewingAs I write this, my thoughts are looking ahead to Nashville, TN, where I’m looking forward to attending the Ewing Gathering on 17th—19th August, just a matter of weeks away now. I hope to see many of you there too.

Somewhat to my surprise, I’m also focusing once again on the possibility of a Derbhfine or Clan Convention in 2019. In previous correspondence with Lyon Court in Edinburgh, it appeared certain that this was no longer on the cards, but there does now seem to be the possibility that it might all be back on. Whatever the case, there will be a Clan Ewing presence at the Cowal Highland Games in Scotland next year, 29th—31st August 2019.

If you’re confused, you’re not the only one, but I hope to have news one way or another when I see you in Nashville!

John Thor Ewing